Fitness Least-squares curve fitting of arbitrary formulae and systems of ODEs Fitness is free software for nonlinear least-squares regression (curve fitting). (3) * fit tabular data as well as lengthier sampled datasets * type in any formula (Python syntax) * save the formula as a preset for later re-use * define special functions (e.g. recursive) in the built-in Python environment * for weighted fitting, type in any weighting formula * fit with a "Strategy" e.g. first fit param A, then fit param B (3) * "Cluster" datapoints -- assign colors to separate them into groups for separate analysis -- either by hand, or automatically with the X-Means algorithm * "Resample by delta" (for sampled data) -- fit faster by replacing each interval that has ( < delta) with a single datapoint (3) * "Extract" (save) selected sampled data, optionally resampling, subtracting fit curve, ... (3) * export figures and results to HTML; document can be written automatically while you work * write plugins, e.g. to analyze data and put results in a table for curve fitting, or to define new fitting algorithms and Notebook types (3) -- new in Fitness 3.0 The previous version, Fitness 2, can open an entire folder of files, and fit each to the same curve. It can still be found at, and installed alongside this version, without interference. Use the Admin tab to customize font size, notebook behavior, and the Python environment. If the Data panel display is sluggish or blank, try changing Admin: Settings: use OpenGL. Prerequisites: - Python >= 2.5 - numpy and scipy - gtk+ with pygtk, pygobject, pycairo - g++ - libboost-dev Build and test: $ make test Install: $ sudo make install or $ make install_local Plugins: $ make plugins $ make plugins_install $ make plugins_install_local License: GPLv3 -- see LICENSE.txt Fitness is under active development as a sub-project of QUB Express. If there's a feature you need, please write to so I can make it a higher priority. For full source code: > git clone