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$$\newcommand{\vector}[1]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1 \end{array}\right]}$$
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/* Copyright 1998-2013 Research Foundation State University of New York */ /* This file is part of QUB Express. */ /* QUB Express is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* QUB Express is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License, */ /* named LICENSE.txt, in the QUB Express program directory. If not, see */ /* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _WINDOWS #include <float.h> #define finite _finite #endif #include "qubfast.h" #include "qub_dfpmin.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "milutil.h" #include <iostream> using std::cerr; using std::endl; class dfp_optimizable{ public: virtual ~dfp_optimizable() {} virtual bool getStartingZ( fq::vector<double> &z ) = 0; virtual bool evaluate( fq::vector<double> &z, fq::vector<double> &gz, double &ll, int &nf, int &ndf, bool flagGrad=true ) = 0; virtual bool checkContinue( int iter, int nf, int ndf, double ll, fq::vector<double> &z, fq::vector<double> &gz )=0; }; class dfp_result{ public: fq::vector<double> z; double ll; int iter; int nfcn, ndfcn; fq::matrix<double> hessian; int err; // ? }; // Local Functions dfp_result dfp_optimize( dfp_optimizable *optable, int maxIter, double convLL, double convGrad, double stepMax = 1.0 ); bool dfp_lnsrch( fq::vector<double> &z, double ll, fq::vector<double> &g, fq::vector<double> &xi, fq::vector<double> &znew, double &llnew, fq::vector<double> &gnew, double stpmax, int &check, int &nfcn, int &ndfcn, int &flagRund, dfp_optimizable *optable ); // returns true unless optable->optimize(...) returns false #define ITMAX 100 #define ITPRT 1 #define EPS 3.0e-8 #define TOLF 1.0e-5 #define TOLX 1.0e-15 #define TOLG 5.0e-3 #define VERY_SMALL 1.0e-15 dfp_result dfp_optimize( dfp_optimizable *optable, int maxIter, double convLL, double convGrad, double stepMax ) { /* double dsqrarg; double dmaxarg1,dmaxarg2; double dminarg1,dminarg2; int iminarg1,iminarg2; int imaxarg1,imaxarg2; */ dfp_result result; result.ll = 0.0; result.iter = 1; // or 0? result.nfcn = 0; result.ndfcn = 0; result.err = 0; if ( ! optable->getStartingZ( result.z ) ) { // Message( "blah blah blah invalid starting set\n" ); result.hessian.resize( result.z.size(), result.z.size() ); for (int hi=result.z.size()-1; hi>=0; --hi) for (int hj=result.z.size()-1; hj>=0; --hj) result.hessian[hi][hj] = 1.0; result.err = -666; // invalid starting point return result; } result.hessian.resize( result.z.size(), result.z.size() ); fq::matrix<double> &hessian = result.hessian; int n = result.z.size(); int check,i,its,j,flagRund; double fac,fad,fae,stpmax,sumdg,sumxi,sum=0.0; double tolf,tolg, tmpLL; int restarts = 2; fq::vector<double> g( n, 0.0 ); fq::vector<double> dg( n, 0.0 ); fq::vector<double> hdg( n, 0.0 ); fq::vector<double> pnew( n, 0.0 ); fq::vector<double> gnew( n, 0.0 ); fq::vector<double> xi( n, 0.0 ); lab1: if ( ! optable->evaluate( result.z, g, result.ll, result.nfcn, result.ndfcn ) ) { result.err = -1; // killed; unsuccessful evaluate() return result; } //cerr << "reset hessian etc" << endl; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { for (j=0; j<n; j++) hessian[i][j]=0.0; hessian[i][i]=1.0; xi[i] = -g[i]; sum += result.z[i]*result.z[i]; } stpmax=stepMax*DMAX(sqrt(sum),(double)n); //cerr << "iterate" << endl; for (its=1; its<=maxIter; its++, result.iter++) { if ((its-1)/ITPRT*ITPRT == its-1) { //cerr << "check" << endl; if ( ! optable->checkContinue( result.iter, result.nfcn, result.ndfcn, result.ll, result.z, g ) ) { result.err = -2; // killed; checkContinue == false return result; } } //cerr << "lnsrch" << endl; tmpLL = result.ll; if ( ! dfp_lnsrch( result.z, tmpLL, g, xi, pnew, result.ll, gnew, stpmax, check, result.nfcn, result.ndfcn, flagRund, optable ) ) { result.err = -1; // opt.evaluate returned false return result; } optable->evaluate(pnew, gnew, result.ll, result.nfcn, result.ndfcn); // update gradient /* if ( posieigencount > 5 ) { FREEALL; Message(pvoid,"Positive eigenvalue,modify dead time and run again!"); return 0; // killed } */ if ( result.ll > 1e10 ){ // Message("Warning: Roundoff error and DFPMIN restarts."); //cerr << "Warning: Roundoff error and DFPMIN restarts." << endl; if ( restarts-- ) goto lab1; result.ll = tmpLL; result.err = -4; // too many restarts after bad ll return result; } if ( tmpLL != 0.0 ) { tolf=fabs(result.ll - tmpLL)/fabs(tmpLL); } else { tolf = 1.0; } tmpLL = result.ll; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { xi[i] = pnew[i]-result.z[i]; result.z[i] = pnew[i]; dg[i] = g[i]; g[i] = gnew[i]; } for (tolg=0.0,i=0; i<n; i++) if (tolg<fabs(g[i])) tolg=fabs(g[i]); if (tolf<convLL && tolg<convGrad && fabs(tmpLL)<1.0e10) { result.err = 0; // successful return result; } for (i=0; i<n; i++) dg[i]=g[i]-dg[i]; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { hdg[i]=0.0; for (j=0; j<n; j++) hdg[i] += hessian[i][j]*dg[j]; } fac=fae=sumdg=sumxi=0.0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { fac += dg[i]*xi[i]; fae += dg[i]*hdg[i]; sumdg += DSQR(dg[i]); sumxi += DSQR(xi[i]); } if (fac*fac > EPS*sumdg*sumxi) { fac=1.0/fac; fad=1.0/fae; for (i=0; i<n; i++) dg[i]=fac*xi[i]-fad*hdg[i]; for (i=0; i<n; i++) for (j=0; j<n; j++) hessian[i][j] += fac*xi[i]*xi[j] - fad*hdg[i]*hdg[j] + fae*dg[i]*dg[j]; } for (i=0; i<n; i++) { xi[i]=0.0; for (j=0; j<n; j++) xi[i] -= hessian[i][j]*g[j]; } } // Message("Warning: Iteration in dfpmin exceeds the limit(%d)",maxIter); //cerr << "Warning: Iteration in dfpmin exceeds the limit (" << maxIter // << ")" << endl; result.err = -3; // exceeds the maximum number of iterations return result; } #undef ITMAX #undef ITPRT #undef TOLF #undef TOLX #undef TOLG #undef EPS #define ALF 1.0e-4 #define TOLX 1.0e-7 bool dfp_lnsrch( fq::vector<double> &z, double ll, fq::vector<double> &g, fq::vector<double> &xxi, fq::vector<double> &znew, double &llnew, fq::vector<double> &gnew, double stpmax, int &check, int &nfcn, int &ndfcn, int &flagRund, dfp_optimizable *optable ) { int i; // flagGrad = 1 int n = z.size(); double a,alam,alam2,alamin,b,disc,f2,fold2, rhs1,rhs2,slope,sum,temp,test,tmplam; //double dmaxarg1,dmaxarg2; fq::vector<double> xi = xxi; check = flagRund = 0; for (sum=0.0, i=0; i<n; i++) sum += xi[i]*xi[i]; sum=sqrt(sum); if (sum > stpmax) for (i=0; i<n; i++) xi[i] *= stpmax/sum; for (slope=0.0, i=0; i<n; i++) slope += g[i]*xi[i]; test=VERY_SMALL; // was 0.0; 9.25.01 Chris for (i=0; i<n; i++) { temp=fabs(xi[i])/DMAX(fabs(z[i]),1.0); if ((temp > test) && finite(temp)) test=temp; } alamin=TOLX/test; alam=1.0; if ( alam < alamin ) { znew = z; llnew = ll; gnew = g; return true; } for (;;) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) znew[i] = z[i] + alam*xi[i]; // if ( posieigencount > 5 ) return; if ( ! optable->evaluate( znew, gnew, llnew, nfcn, ndfcn, false ) ) return false; // (n,p,f,gnew,nf,ndf,flagGrad,pvoid); if (alam < alamin) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) znew[i]=z[i]; check=1; return true; } else if (llnew <= ll+ALF*alam*slope) { return true; } else { if (alam == 1.0) tmplam = -slope/(2.0*(llnew-ll-slope)); else { rhs1 = llnew-ll-alam*slope; rhs2=f2-fold2-alam2*slope; a=(rhs1/(alam*alam)-rhs2/(alam2*alam2))/(alam-alam2); b=(-alam2*rhs1/(alam*alam)+alam*rhs2/(alam2*alam2))/(alam-alam2); if (a == 0.0) tmplam = -slope/(2.0*b); else { disc=b*b-3.0*a*slope; if (disc<0.0) { flagRund=1; return true; } else tmplam=(-b+sqrt(disc))/(3.0*a); } if (tmplam>0.5*alam) tmplam=0.5*alam; } } alam2=alam; f2 = llnew; fold2=ll; alam=DMAX(tmplam,0.1*alam); } // return true; } #undef ALF #undef TOLX class dfp_optable : public dfp_optimizable { public: dfp_optable( void *call_obj, int npar, double *initPar, dfp_func xfunc, dfp_check xcheck ) : caller( call_obj ), initZ( npar ), func( xfunc ), check( xcheck ) { memcpy( &(initZ[0]), initPar, npar * sizeof(double) ); } virtual bool getStartingZ( fq::vector<double> &z ) { z = initZ; return true; } virtual bool evaluate( fq::vector<double> &z, fq::vector<double> &gz, double &ll, int &nf, int &ndf, bool flagGrad=true ) { return ( ! func( caller, &(z[0]), &(gz[0]), &ll, &nf, &ndf, (int)flagGrad ) ); } virtual bool checkContinue( int iter, int nf, int ndf, double ll, fq::vector<double> &z, fq::vector<double> &gz ) { if ( check ) return ( ! check( caller, iter, nf, ndf, ll, &(z[0]), &(gz[0]) ) ); else return true; } private: void *caller; fq::vector<double> initZ; dfp_func func; dfp_check check; }; extern "C" QUBFAST_API double qub_dfpmin( void *call_obj, int npar, double *initPar, double *hessianOut, dfp_func func, dfp_check check, int maxIter, double convLL, double convGrad, double stepMax, int *err ) { dfp_optable optable( call_obj, npar, initPar, func, check ); dfp_result res = dfp_optimize( &optable, maxIter, convLL, convGrad, stepMax ); *err = res.err; if ( hessianOut ) { double *hh = hessianOut; for ( int i=0; i<npar; ++i ) for ( int j=0; j<npar; ++j,++hh ) *hh = res.hessian[i][j]; } return res.ll; }