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Source file: qubidl.h
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browser could not locate *********}$$
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is set wrong in this file *********}$$
$$\newcommand{\vector}[1]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1 \end{array}\right]}$$
$$\newenvironment{matrix}{\left[\begin{array}{cccccccccc}} {\end{array}\right]}$$
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/* Copyright 2002-2011 Research Foundation State University of New York */
/* This file is part of QUB Express. */
/* QUB Express is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or */
/* (at your option) any later version. */
/* QUB Express is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License, */
/* named LICENSE.txt, in the QUB Express program directory. If not, see */
/* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
#ifndef QUBIDL_H
#define QUBIDL_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
QUBFAST_API void* qubidl_create(double sampling);
// Returns a zero-length qubidl object. sampling is usually in milliseconds.
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_destroy(void *idl);
// Releases a qubidl object
QUBFAST_API double qubidl_get_sampling(void *idl);
// Returns sampling, usually in milliseconds
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_set_sampling(void *idl, double sampling);
// Sets sampling
QUBFAST_API int qubidl_get_seg_count(void *idl);
// Returns the number of segments.
QUBFAST_API int qubidl_get_seg_first(void *idl, int i);
// Returns the first sample index in segment i
QUBFAST_API int qubidl_get_seg_last(void *idl, int i);
// Returns the lsat sample index in segment i
QUBFAST_API int qubidl_count_dwells(void *idl, int f, int l, int fragments);
// Returns the number of dwells between sample f and sample l, inclusive.
// If ( ! fragments ) it doesn't count dwells which extend beyond the bounds.
QUBFAST_API int qubidl_count_dwells_and_gaps(void *idl, int f, int l);
// Returns the number of dwells between sample f and sample l, inclusive.
// Unlike count_dwells, counts each non-idealized region as a dwell (of class -1)
QUBFAST_API int qubidl_get_dwells(void *idl, int f, int l, int fragments, int *firsts, int *lasts, int *classes, float *durations);
// Copies the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into the arrays firsts, lasts, classes, and durations.
// Durations are count*sampling.
QUBFAST_API int qubidl_get_dwells_and_gaps(void *idl, int f, int l,
int *firsts, int *lasts, int *classes, float *durations);
// Copies the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into the arrays firsts, lasts, classes, and durations.
// Durations are count*sampling.
// Unlike get_dwells, outputs each non-idealized region as a dwell of class -1.
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_set_dwells(void *idl, int count, int *firsts, int *lasts, int *classes);
// Overwrites the idealization with `count` dwells from first, lasts and classes.
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_sample_dwells(void *idl, int f, int l, double *amp, int Nsample, float *lo, float *hi);
// Renders the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into resampled arrays lo and hi, suitable for display.
// Samples with no dwells (all class < 0) are not modified, so if you fill lo or hi with a sentry value, you can skip blank samples.
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_sample_dwells_classes(void *idl, int f, int l, double *amp, int Nsample, float *lo, float *hi, unsigned int *class_bits);
// class_bits[i] & (1 << c) if sample includes class c (using (c % 32) for passable display in case of too many classes)
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_sample_dwells_std(void *idl, int f, int l, float *amp, float *std, int Nsample, float *lo, float *hi);
// Renders the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into resampled arrays lo and hi, suitable for display.
// Samples with no dwells (all class < 0) are not modified, so if you fill lo or hi with a sentry value, you can skip blank samples.
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_clear(void *idl);
// Erases all dwells. Clears all segments to class -1.
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_add_seg(void *idl, int f, int l);
// Adds a segment, with inclusive sample bounds.
// For best results, use f = total sample count; l = f+seg_length-1.
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_erase(void *idl, int f, int l);
// Clears all dwells (or fragments) between samples f and l inclusive, by setting them to class -1.
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_join(void *idl, int f, int l);
// Extends the class at sample f through to sample l.
QUBFAST_API void* qubidl_begin(void *idl);
// Returns an iterator pointing at the first (partial) dwell
QUBFAST_API void* qubidl_end(void *idl);
// Returns an iterator pointing past the final (partial) dwell
QUBFAST_API void* qubidl_find(void *idl, int f);
// Returns an iterator pointing at the (partial) dwell containing sample f
QUBFAST_API void* qubidl_iter_clone(void *iter);
// Returns an iterator pointing at the same (partial) dwell as iter.
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_iter_destroy(void *iter);
// Releases an iterator.
QUBFAST_API int qubidl_iter_valid(void *iter);
// Returns nonzero if the iterator is pointing at a (partial) dwell (not past the end)
QUBFAST_API int qubidl_iter_equals(void *iter, void *iter2);
// Returns nonzero if the iterators are pointing at the same (partial) dwell
QUBFAST_API int qubidl_iter_segindex(void *iter);
// Returns the segment index of the current dwell
QUBFAST_API int qubidl_iter_segfirst(void *iter);
// Returns the first sample index in the current dwell's segment
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_iter_read(void *iter, int *f, int *l, int *c);
// Copies the first and last indices, and class of the current (partial) dwell into f,l,c
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_iter_next(void *iter);
// Moves the iterator to the next (partial) dwell
QUBFAST_API void qubidl_iter_prev(void *iter);
// Moves the iterator to the previous (partial) dwell
#ifdef __cplusplus