This is the source code for maxill.dll and It idealizes (SKM, Kalman), and computes the forward function for Maximum Interval Likelihood (MIL). [Qin et al 1997] It uses qubfast to set up a system of linearly constrained parameters suitable for optimization.
There is also a variation, Maximum Sub-interval Likelihood (MSL) [notes], which allows additional idealized signals to control model variables such as Ligand and Voltage. It's called sub-interval likelihood because, when the stimulus changes mid-dwell, each partial dwell must be considered separately.
The library is written in C++ with C bindings, using boost::ublas matrices. It has been compiled with gcc 4.4 and Visual Studio 2008. Python source code for MIL/MSL is also included, tested using Python 2.5, numpy 1.2.1 and scipy 0.7.0. - source zip