Partial outline of Qubdoc folder html setup. [All.Html] [Various contents files] fileformats =fileformats.html Overview of file formats =files/overview.html Sampled data: QDF =files/qdf.html DAT =files/dat.html LDT =files/ldt.html Idealized data: DWT =files/dwt.html Session (metadata): QSF =files/qsf.html Model: QMF =files/qmf.html MDL =files/mdl.html Acquisition protocol: QPF =files/qpf.html Examples: QuB file =files/QuB file qubtree =qubtree/contents.html Conceptual overview =qtr-all-doc Binary layout =qtr-bin-doc qub trees in python =qtr-py-tutorial.html qub trees in c++ =qtr-cpp-tutorial.html qub trees in Delphi =qtr-pas-tutorial.html qubtree library and =qubtree Python API =pynode/contents.html (Node.html# various) C++ API =cpp/contents.html (Node.html# various) Delphi API =pas/contents.html (Node.html# various) Standard Tree Types =trees/contents.html Standard Tree Types ModelFile =../files/qmf.html DataFile =../files/qdf.html SessionFile =../files/qsf.html Results =Results.html DataSets =DataSets.html Task Properties =Properties.html Python modules =py/contents.html qubtree =pynode/contents.html QUB =py/QUB-contents.html AcquisitionProtocol =py/AcqProto-contents.html Buttons =py/Buttons-contents.html Commands =py/Commands-contents.html CurveFitting =py/CurveFitting-contents.html Dialogs =py/Dialogs-contents.html Reports =py/Reports-contents.html