There is one instance of QTR_Impl per actual node, though several QUB_Tree objects may refer to it. The QTR_Impl is allocated from the heap, and is reference counted. When working directly with QTR_Impl *impl, call QTR_INCREF( impl ) when you receive it, and QTR_DECREF( impl ) when you're done. This rigmarole is done behind the scenes by QUB_Tree, INode, and qtr.Node. Please don't allocate them yourself -- get them from QUB_Tree::Create().
The 64-bit integer and 80-bit float types probably don't work.
void QTR_INCREF( QTR_Impl *impl )
void QTR_INCREF( QTR_Impl *impl )
enum QTR_DataType
QTR_DataType c type QTR_TYPE_EMPTY (none) QTR_TYPE_UNKNOWN ? QTR_TYPE_POINTER void * QTR_TYPE_STRING char QTR_TYPE_UCHAR unsigned char QTR_TYPE_CHAR char QTR_TYPE_USHORT unsigned short QTR_TYPE_SHORT short QTR_TYPE_UINT unsigned int QTR_TYPE_INT int QTR_TYPE_ULONG unsigned 64bit int QTR_TYPE_LONG 64bit int QTR_TYPE_FLOAT float QTR_TYPE_DOUBLE double QTR_TYPE_LDOUBLE 80-bit float