Register functions by name, typically as menu items.

Register( cat, name, func )

cat      string: which category to add the command to.
name      typically the text of the menu item
func      a function, typically with no args (some categories may require some args).

Adds a command to a category. It should become available immediately.

Names( cat )

cat      a category name

Returns a list of all the names in a category.

CallByName( cat, name, ... )
cat      the name of a category
name      the name of a command in the category
...      positional and keyword args for the command func

Calls the function associated with cat, name.

category: Histogram

Menu items when you right-click a histogram in Results.
func should take one argument: a
qubtree.Node representing the histogram.

category: Select

Menu items from "Results" -> "Select" -> "Select".

category: Reports

Menu items from "Results" -> "Reports".
This is actually a family of categories, one for each type of Results. e.g. "MIL Reports", "SKM Reports", "MSearch Reports".

category: MultiResults

Menu items when more than one Results document is selected and you right-click the list.

category: SelectColor

Menu items when you right-click a color on the left in "Results" -> "Select".

category: CriteriaAction

Menu items when you right-click the "Change Color" button in "Results" -> "Criteria".