The data is either empty, a string, or a matrix of numbers. You can read/write it as an array (row-major) or as a collection of rows and columns.
The easiest way to set the data's contents is
>>> = "a string"
>>> = [1, 2, 3] a 3x1 matrix of integers (4-byte signed)
>>> = [1.0, 2, 3] a 3x1 matrix of floating-point (double precision)
returns | number, string, or None |
newRowcount | the new number of rows |
first | the first row index in the range | |
last | the last row index in the range | |
doRead | true: load the data from disk false: just allocate memory |
You can ignore this stuff unless a node might have data.preload == false, or [un]loadRows() may have been called.
doWrite | true: write the loaded region to disk false: just free its RAM. |