Package qubx :: Module ideal :: Class IdlFits
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Class IdlFits

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  object --+    
Idealization --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, sampling)
Creates a new zero-length Idealization.
source code
set_sampling(self, sampling)
Sets sampling, usually in milliseconds.
source code
clear(self, seg_ix=None)
Clears all segments' idealization to class -1.
source code
add_seg(self, f, l)
Adds a segment, with inclusive sample bounds.
source code
set_fit(self, firsts, lasts, means, stds=None) source code
get_samples_into(self, first, last, arr, cls_values=None, arr_stds=None, cls_stds=None) source code

Inherited from Idealization: __del__, __getitem__, begin, count_dwells, count_dwells_and_gaps, count_dwells_excluding, end, erase, find, get_dwells, get_dwells_and_gaps, get_dwells_and_gaps_into, get_dwells_excluding, get_dwells_excluding_into, get_dwells_into, get_sampling, get_seg_count, get_seg_first, get_seg_last, join, sample_dwells, sample_dwells_std, set_dwell, set_dwells

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from Idealization: sampling

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, sampling)

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Creates a new zero-length Idealization.

  • sampling - shortest measured duration, usually in milliseconds
Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

set_sampling(self, sampling)

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Sets sampling, usually in milliseconds.

Overrides: Idealization.set_sampling
(inherited documentation)

clear(self, seg_ix=None)

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Clears all segments' idealization to class -1.

Overrides: Idealization.clear
(inherited documentation)

add_seg(self, f, l)

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Adds a segment, with inclusive sample bounds. For best results, use f = total sample count so far; l = f+seg_length-1.

Overrides: Idealization.add_seg
(inherited documentation)