Package qubx :: Module accept
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Module accept

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Functions for parsing strings into various data types, ranging from string (a no-op) to a system of differential equations.

An "accept" function takes a string, and returns a value of the desired type. If the conversion is impossible, it raises a descriptive exception.

Accept functions are used to validate input in various components in qubx.GTK and qubx.tables.

Copyright 2007-2014 Research Foundation State University of New York This file is part of QUB Express.

QUB Express is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

QUB Express is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License, named LICENSE.txt, in the QUB Express program directory. If not, see <>.

Classes [hide private]
FuncAcceptor instance is callable as fa(x, custom1, custom2, ...).
Functions [hide private]
acceptNothing(x) source code
acceptEval(typ=<type 'float'>) source code
acceptString(x) source code
acceptStringNonempty(x) source code
acceptInt(x) source code
acceptFloat(x) source code
acceptFloatNonzero(x) source code
Interprets '' as UNSET_VALUE, otherwise uses provided accept function.
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Like acceptFloat, but acceptFloatOrUnset('') returns qubx.util_types.UNSET_VALUE.
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Returns f(val): if val != qubx.util_types.UNSET_VALUE: return fmt(val); else: return ''
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Returns False if x is in ['', 'False', 'false']; True otherwise.
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acceptCmp(convert, compare, errmsg)
Returns an accept function which enforces `compare(convert(s)) == True.
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errmsg_cmp(cmpname) source code
errmsg_gt(typename, bound) source code
errmsg_ge(typename, bound) source code
errmsg_lt(typename, bound) source code
errmsg_le(typename, bound) source code
acceptIntGreaterThan(lb) source code
acceptIntGreaterThanOrEqualTo(lb) source code
acceptIntLessThan(ub) source code
acceptIntLessThanOrEqualTo(ub) source code
acceptIntBetween(lb, ub) source code
acceptFloatGreaterThan(lb) source code
acceptFloatGreaterThanOrEqualTo(lb) source code
acceptFloatLessThan(ub) source code
acceptFloatLessThanOrEqualTo(ub) source code
acceptFloatBetween(lb, ub) source code
acceptFloatAbsBetween(lb, ub) source code
acceptAcceptList(s, accept, dashrange, description)
source code
acceptList(acceptor, dashrange, description) source code
acceptIntList(acceptor=<__builtin__.function object>, description='integers') source code
acceptFloatList(acceptor=<__builtin__.function object>, description='numbers') source code
acceptDimList(acceptList, dim, msg) source code
formatList(fmt=<type 'str'>) source code
proper_minus(s) source code
Returns the symbol named in a NameError's message.
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acceptF(static=['x'], avail=[], custom=False, typ=<type 'float'>, default='1.0', locals=None)
Returns an accept function which converts a Python expression into a FuncAcceptor
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any_type(x) source code
Given an iterable of subiterables, returns a list of unique elements in the subiterables.
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acceptODEs(static=['x'], avail=[], custom=False, locals=None)
Returns an accept function which converts a string of ODEs into a ODEAcceptor.
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acceptODEorF(static=['x'], avail=[], custom=False, locals=None)
Returns an accept function which acts like acceptODEs if ' is present, otherwise like acceptF.
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Returns a function which converts something to a string.
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Variables [hide private]
  name_int = 'an integer'
  name_float = 'a number'
  __package__ = 'qubx'
  e = 2.71828182846
  pi = 3.14159265359
  rdbk = 'Expired.'
  rdbreak = 'supporting'
  rdname = 'qubfast.txt'
Function Details [hide private]

acceptCmp(convert, compare, errmsg)

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Returns an accept function which enforces `compare(convert(s)) == True.

  • errmsg - string for complaining

acceptAcceptList(s, accept, dashrange, description)

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e.g. '1, 2, 3-5 7' -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]

acceptF(static=['x'], avail=[], custom=False, typ=<type 'float'>, default='1.0', locals=None)

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Returns an accept function which converts a Python expression into a FuncAcceptor

  • static - names arguments which are always present
  • avail - names which are added to args if they are in the expression
  • custom - whether to add unrecognized names to args, or re-raise the NameError
  • typ - desired result type
  • default - expression to use in place of ''
  • locals - optional dictionary of stuff avail in expr

acceptODEs(static=['x'], avail=[], custom=False, locals=None)

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Returns an accept function which converts a string of ODEs into a ODEAcceptor.

  • static - names arguments which are always present
  • avail - names which are added to args if they are in the expression
  • custom - whether to add unrecognized names to args, or re-raise the NameError
  • locals - optional dictionary of stuff avail in expr

    The expression can have one or more ODEs separated by ';'. Each ODE has the form

    >>> "foo' = do_something(foo, bar)"

    For example, a sinusoidal:

    >>> "a' = b; b' = -a"


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Returns a function which converts something to a string. If format is callable, it's returned back unchanged. Otherwise we assume it's a format string e.g. "%.8g", and the returned function is lambda val: format % val.