Trees | Indices | Help |
object --+ | Model
Inherited from |
version | |||
Nstate state count |
Nclass class (color) count |
clazz class index of each state |
usePeq True to start each segment at equilibrium; False to use normalized States:Pr |
IeqFv True to model current as a function of voltage, using Cond and CondStd |
Nchannel number of molecules |
Nchannel_err estimated error in Nchannel (after some optimizers) |
iVoltage index of voltage signal (for IeqFv) |
Gleak leakage conductance (pS) |
Vleak leakage voltage (mV) |
Vrev reversal potential (mV) |
amp0 background current (pA) if IeqFv |
amp0_err estimated error in amp0 (after some optimizers) |
var0 background current variance if IeqFv |
var0_err estimated error in var0 (after some optimizers) |
amp current amplitude (pA) or conductance (pS -- if IeqFv) of each class |
var standard deviation of amp (pA or pS) of each class |
amp_err estimated error in each class's amp (after some optimizers) |
var_err estimated error in each class's var (after some optimizers) |
P0 entry probability of each state, if not usePeq |
K0 matrix[a,b] of pre-exponential rate constants between states |
K1 matrix[a,b] of exponential v-sensitive rate constants |
K2 matrix[a,b] of exponential pressure-sensitive rate constants |
K0_err matrix[a,b] of estimated error in K0 (after some optimizers) |
K1_err matrix[a,b] of estimated error in K1 (after some optimizers) |
K2_err matrix[a,b] of estimated error in K2 (after some optimizers) |
L matrix[a,b] of Ligand signal index |
V matrix[a,b] of Voltage signal index |
P matrix[a,b] of Pressure signal index |
stop_flag advisory to an algorithm to stop and return |
progress available for algorithms to report percent complete |
Inherited from |
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Nstatestate count
Nclassclass (color) count
clazzclass index of each state
usePeqTrue to start each segment at equilibrium; False to use normalized States:Pr
IeqFvTrue to model current as a function of voltage, using Cond and CondStd
Nchannelnumber of molecules
Nchannel_errestimated error in Nchannel (after some optimizers)
iVoltageindex of voltage signal (for IeqFv)
Gleakleakage conductance (pS)
Vleakleakage voltage (mV)
Vrevreversal potential (mV)
amp0background current (pA) if IeqFv
amp0_errestimated error in amp0 (after some optimizers)
var0background current variance if IeqFv
var0_errestimated error in var0 (after some optimizers)
ampcurrent amplitude (pA) or conductance (pS -- if IeqFv) of each class
varstandard deviation of amp (pA or pS) of each class
amp_errestimated error in each class's amp (after some optimizers)
var_errestimated error in each class's var (after some optimizers)
P0entry probability of each state, if not usePeq
K0matrix[a,b] of pre-exponential rate constants between states
K1matrix[a,b] of exponential v-sensitive rate constants
K2matrix[a,b] of exponential pressure-sensitive rate constants
K0_errmatrix[a,b] of estimated error in K0 (after some optimizers)
K1_errmatrix[a,b] of estimated error in K1 (after some optimizers)
K2_errmatrix[a,b] of estimated error in K2 (after some optimizers)
Lmatrix[a,b] of Ligand signal index
Vmatrix[a,b] of Voltage signal index
Pmatrix[a,b] of Pressure signal index
stop_flagadvisory to an algorithm to stop and return
progressavailable for algorithms to report percent complete
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Fri Dec 15 19:07:38 2017 | |