Package qubx :: Package fast :: Module simulate
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Source Code for Module

  1  """Compiled routines for HMM simulation. 
  3  Copyright 2008-2014 Research Foundation State University of New York  
  4  This file is part of QUB Express.                                           
  6  QUB Express is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify           
  7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
  8  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     
  9  (at your option) any later version.                                   
 11  QUB Express is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                
 12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        
 14  GNU General Public License for more details.                          
 16  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License,    
 17  named LICENSE.txt, in the QUB Express program directory.  If not, see         
 18  <>.                                       
 20  """ 
 22  from import * 
 23  from import * 
 24  from itertools import izip 
 25  import random 
 28  qubfast.qubx_simulate.argtypes = (PModel, c_int_p, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_double, c_int, c_int, c_int_pp, c_float_ppp, 
 29                                    c_int_p, c_float_pp, c_int_p, c_int_pp, c_int_pp, c_double_pp, c_double_pp, 
 30                                    c_int, StatusCallback, c_int_p) 
 31  qubfast.qubx_simulate.restype = c_int 
 33  #extern "C" QUBFAST_API int    qubx_simulate(qubx_model *model, int *start_states, int add_baseline, int use_Peq, int v_signal, 
 34  #                                double sampling, int Nstimulus, int Nseg, int **stim_counts, float ***stimuli, 
 35  #                                int *Nsample, float **samples, int *ndwt, int **states, int **counts, double **amps, double **stds, 
 36  #                                int force_Q, StatusCallback pctCB, void *pctObj) 
38 -def simulate(fastmodel, start_states, add_baseline, use_Peq, v_signal, sampling, stimulus_of_seg, Nsample_of_seg, samples_of_seg, 39 on_pct = lambda frac: 0, force_Q=False):
40 """Returns independent segments of simulated HMM, as sampled data and as state-idealization. 41 @param fastmodel: 42 @param start_states: numpy.array[Nchannel], type int32, of entry state indices, or -1 to pick fresh. On output, contains exit states for sequential simulations. 43 @param add_baseline: False to skip base amp and std, for adding multi channels 44 @param v_signal: if nonzero, multiply exc_amp and exc_std by (stimulus[v] - vRev) * 1e-3 (in volts) 45 @param sampling: interval between samples, in seconds 46 @param stimulus_of_seg: list[Nseg][Nsignal] of stimulus values or sample arrays. Nsignal > all x in union(L, V). Since 0 indicates 'no stimulus,' stimulus[0] is ignored. Entries should be either a constant (float) or a list or array[nsample] containing a stimulus waveform. 47 @param nsample: list[Nseg] of number of data points to return 48 @param samples_of_seg: list[Nseg] of array[Nsample_of_seg[i]] of float32, will be filled with output 49 @param on_pct: callback function on_pct(frac), 0 <= frac <= 1. Return nonzero to stop the simulation. 50 @param force_Q: uses Q matrix method (instead of A matrix) even if it would be slower 51 @return: (states as numpy.array[Nevent] of int32, counts as numpy.array[Nevent] of int32, amp, std as numpy.array[Nevent] of float64) 52 """ 53 def cdata(x, typ): 54 if x is None: return x 55 return x.ctypes.data_as(typ)
56 temps = [] 57 def temparray(shape, dtype, init): 58 a = numpy.zeros(shape=shape, dtype=dtype) 59 a += init 60 temps.append(a) 61 return a 62 Nseg = len(stimulus_of_seg) 63 result = [] 64 states = [] 65 counts = [] 66 amps = [] 67 stds = [] 68 stim_counts = [] 69 stimuli = [] 70 samples = [] 71 for stimulus, samples1, Nsample in izip(stimulus_of_seg, samples_of_seg, Nsample_of_seg): 72 stim_counts_ = temparray(shape=(len(stimulus),), dtype='int32', init=0) 73 stimuli1 = [] 74 for i,stim in enumerate(stimulus): 75 if hasattr(stim,'__iter__'): 76 stim_counts_[i] = len(stim) 77 stimuli1.append(cdata(stim,c_float_p)) 78 else: 79 stimuli1.append(cdata(temparray(shape=(1,),dtype='float32', init=stim),c_float_p)) 80 stim_counts.append(cdata(stim_counts_, c_int_p)) 81 stimuli.append((c_float_p*len(stimuli1))(*stimuli1)) 82 samples.append(cdata(samples1, c_float_p)) 83 tt = temparray(shape=(Nsample,), dtype='int32', init=0) 84 cc = temparray(shape=(Nsample,), dtype='int32', init=0) 85 aa = temparray(shape=(fastmodel.Nstate,), dtype='float64', init=0.0) 86 ss = temparray(shape=(fastmodel.Nstate,), dtype='float64', init=0.0) 87 states.append(cdata(tt, c_int_p)) 88 counts.append(cdata(cc, c_int_p)) 89 amps.append(cdata(aa, c_double_p)) 90 stds.append(cdata(ss, c_double_p)) 91 result.append([tt, cc, aa, ss]) 92 stim_counts_ = (c_int_p*len(stim_counts))(*stim_counts) 93 stimuli_ = (c_float_pp*len(stimuli))(*stimuli) 94 samples_ = (c_float_p*len(samples))(*samples) 95 states_ = (c_int_p*len(states))(*states) 96 counts_ = (c_int_p*len(counts))(*counts) 97 amps_ = (c_double_p*len(amps))(*amps) 98 stds_ = (c_double_p*len(stds))(*stds) 99 ndwt = temparray(shape=(Nseg,), dtype='int32', init=0) 100 Nsample_ = numpy.array(Nsample_of_seg, dtype='int32', copy=True) 101 102 on_status = StatusCallback(lambda ptr, frac: on_pct(frac)) 103 104 if stimulus_of_seg: 105 qubfast.qubx_simulate(fastmodel.obj, cdata(start_states, c_int_p), int(add_baseline), int(use_Peq), int(v_signal), 106 sampling, len(stimulus_of_seg[0]), len(stimulus_of_seg), stim_counts_, stimuli_, 107 cdata(Nsample_, c_int_p), samples_, cdata(ndwt, c_int_p), states_, counts_, amps_, stds_, 108 force_Q, on_status, None) 109 110 for rr, nd in izip(result, ndwt): 111 tt, cc = rr[:2] 112 rr[:2] = tt[:nd], cc[:nd] 113 return result 114 115 116 qubfast.qubx_simulate_make_idealized_flc.argtypes = (c_int_p, c_int_p, c_int_p, c_int, c_int_p, c_int_p, c_int_p, c_int) 117 qubfast.qubx_simulate_make_idealized_flc.restype = c_int 118
119 -def make_idealized_flc(ff, ll, cc, clazz, states, st_counts, f0):
120 return qubfast.qubx_simulate_make_idealized_flc(cdata(ff, c_int_p), cdata(ll, c_int_p), cdata(cc, c_int_p), 121 len(states), cdata(clazz, c_int_p), cdata(states, c_int_p), cdata(st_counts, c_int_p), f0)
122 123 124 #extern "C" QUBFAST_API void qubx_simulate_baselines(int Nsegment, int *Nsamples, float **sample_arrays, double sampling, 125 # int baselineFluct, int baselineFluctN, double baselineFluctLifetime, double baselineFluctMaxAmp, 126 # int baselineDrift, double baselineDriftSlope, double baselineDriftIntercept, 127 # int baselinePeriodic, double baselinePeriodicFreq, double baselinePeriodicPhase, double baselinePeriodicAmp, 128 # int baselineJumps, double baselineJumpsAmpStd, 129 # double baselineJumpsFastW, double baselineJumpsFast, double baselineJumpsSlow, double baselineJumpsLifetime, 130 # int baselineLGM, int baselineLGM2State, double baselineLGMProcStd, 131 # double baselineLGMX0, double baselineLGMX0p) 132 133 qubfast.qubx_simulate_baselines.argtypes = (c_int, c_int_p, c_float_pp, c_double, 134 c_int, c_int, c_double, c_double, 135 c_int, c_double, c_double, 136 c_int, c_double, c_double, c_double, 137 c_int, c_double, 138 c_double, c_double, c_double, c_double, 139 c_int, c_int, c_double, 140 c_double, c_double) 141 qubfast.qubx_simulate_baselines.restype = None 142
143 -def simulate_baselines(sample_arrays, sampling, 144 baselineFluct, baselineFluctN, baselineFluctLifetime, baselineFluctMaxAmp, 145 baselineDrift, baselineDriftSlope, baselineDriftIntercept, 146 baselinePeriodic, baselinePeriodicFreq, baselinePeriodicPhase, baselinePeriodicAmp, 147 baselineJumps, baselineJumpsAmpStd, 148 baselineJumpsFastW, baselineJumpsFast, baselineJumpsSlow, baselineJumpsLifetime, 149 baselineLGM, baselineLGM2State, baselineLGMProcStd, baselineLGMX0, baselineLGMX0p):
150 151 def cdata(x, typ): 152 if x is None: return x 153 return x.ctypes.data_as(typ)
154 temps = [] 155 def temparray(shape, dtype, init): 156 a = numpy.zeros(shape=shape, dtype=dtype) 157 a += init 158 temps.append(a) 159 return a 160 161 Nsamples = numpy.array([len(samples) for samples in sample_arrays], dtype='int32') 162 arrs = (c_float_p*len(sample_arrays))(*[cdata(samples, c_float_p) for samples in sample_arrays]) 163 164 qubfast.qubx_simulate_baselines(len(sample_arrays), cdata(Nsamples, c_int_p), arrs, sampling, 165 baselineFluct, baselineFluctN, baselineFluctLifetime, baselineFluctMaxAmp, 166 baselineDrift, baselineDriftSlope, baselineDriftIntercept, 167 baselinePeriodic, baselinePeriodicFreq, baselinePeriodicPhase, baselinePeriodicAmp, 168 baselineJumps, baselineJumpsAmpStd, 169 baselineJumpsFastW, baselineJumpsFast, baselineJumpsSlow, baselineJumpsLifetime, 170 baselineLGM, baselineLGM2State, baselineLGMProcStd, baselineLGMX0, baselineLGMX0p) 171