Package qubx :: Module ideal :: Class Idealization
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Class Idealization

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object --+
Known Subclasses:

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, sampling)
Creates a new zero-length Idealization.
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__del__(self) source code
__getitem__(self, key)
Returns the class at sample key.
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Returns sampling, usually in milliseconds.
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set_sampling(self, sampling)
Sets sampling, usually in milliseconds.
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Returns the number of segments.
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get_seg_first(self, i)
Returns the first sample index in segment i.
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get_seg_last(self, i)
Returns the last sample index in segment i.
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count_dwells(self, f, l, fragments)
Returns the numer of dwells between sample f and sample l, inclusive.
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get_dwells_into(self, f, l, fragments, firsts, lasts, classes, durations)
Copies the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into numpy arrays.
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get_dwells(self, f, l, fragments, get_durations=False)
Returns the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, as numpy arrays
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count_dwells_and_gaps(self, f, l)
Returns the numer of dwells between sample f and sample l, inclusive.
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get_dwells_and_gaps_into(self, f, l, firsts, lasts, classes, durations)
Copies the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into numpy arrays; cls=-1 between events.
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get_dwells_and_gaps(self, f, l, get_durations=False)
Returns the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, as numpy arrays
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set_dwells(self, count, firsts, lasts, classes)
Writes dwells to the idealization.
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sample_dwells(self, f, l, amps, Nsample, lows, highs, class_bits=None)
Renders the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into resampled arrays lo and hi, suitable for display.
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sample_dwells_std(self, f, l, amps, stds, Nsample, lows, highs)
Renders the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into resampled arrays lo and hi, suitable for display.
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count_dwells_excluding(self, exclusion, excl_class, f, l)
Returns the numer of dwells between sample f and sample l, inclusive; unlike count_dwells, counts each un-idealized region as a dwell (of class -1).
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get_dwells_excluding_into(self, exclusion, excl_class, f, l, firsts, lasts, classes, durations=None)
Copies the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into numpy arrays; unlike get_dwells_into, outputs un-idealized regions as class -1.
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get_dwells_excluding(self, exclusion, excl_class, f, l, get_durations=False)
Returns the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, as numpy arrays; unlike get_dwells, outputs un-idealized regions as class -1.
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set_dwell(self, f, l, c)
Overwrites the idealization between samples f and l, inclusive, with class c.
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Clears all segments' idealization to class -1.
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add_seg(self, f, l)
Adds a segment, with inclusive sample bounds.
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erase(self, f, l)
Clears all dwells (or fragments) between samples f and l inclusive, by setting them to class -1.
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join(self, f, l)
Extends the class at sample f through to sample l.
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Returns an IdlIter pointing to the first (partial) dwell.
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Returns an IdlIter pointing past the last (partial) dwell.
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find(self, f)
Returns an IdlIter pointing to the (partial) dwell at sample f.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, sampling)

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Creates a new zero-length Idealization.

  • sampling - shortest measured duration, usually in milliseconds
Overrides: object.__init__

count_dwells(self, f, l, fragments)

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Returns the numer of dwells between sample f and sample l, inclusive. If (not fragments): doesn't count dwells which extend beyond the bounds.

get_dwells_into(self, f, l, fragments, firsts, lasts, classes, durations)

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Copies the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into numpy arrays.

  • classes (numpy.array(dtype=int32))
  • durations (numpy.array(dtype=float32) or None)
  • firsts (numpy.array(dtype=int32))
  • lasts (numpy.array(dtype=int32))

get_dwells(self, f, l, fragments, get_durations=False)

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Returns the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, as numpy arrays

firsts, lasts, classes[, durations]

get_dwells_and_gaps_into(self, f, l, firsts, lasts, classes, durations)

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Copies the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into numpy arrays; cls=-1 between events.

  • classes (numpy.array(dtype=int32))
  • durations (numpy.array(dtype=float32) or None)
  • firsts (numpy.array(dtype=int32))
  • lasts (numpy.array(dtype=int32))

get_dwells_and_gaps(self, f, l, get_durations=False)

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Returns the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, as numpy arrays

firsts, lasts, classes[, durations]

sample_dwells(self, f, l, amps, Nsample, lows, highs, class_bits=None)

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Renders the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into resampled arrays lo and hi, suitable for display. Samples with no dwells (all class < 0) are not modified, so if you fill lo or hi with a sentry value, you can skip blank samples. class_bits[i] & (1 << c) if class c occurs during sample i

sample_dwells_std(self, f, l, amps, stds, Nsample, lows, highs)

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Renders the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into resampled arrays lo and hi, suitable for display. Samples with no dwells (all class < 0) are not modified, so if you fill lo or hi with a sentry value, you can skip blank samples.

count_dwells_excluding(self, exclusion, excl_class, f, l)

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Returns the numer of dwells between sample f and sample l, inclusive; unlike count_dwells, counts each un-idealized region as a dwell (of class -1).

  • exclusion - an Idealization with the same segmentation
  • excl_class - class in exclusion marking where to overwrite output with class -2

get_dwells_excluding_into(self, exclusion, excl_class, f, l, firsts, lasts, classes, durations=None)

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Copies the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, into numpy arrays; unlike get_dwells_into, outputs un-idealized regions as class -1.

  • exclusion - an Idealization with the same segmentation
  • excl_class - class in exclusion marking where to overwrite output with class -2
  • classes (numpy.array(dtype=int32))
  • durations (numpy.array(dtype=float32) or None)
  • firsts (numpy.array(dtype=int32))
  • lasts (numpy.array(dtype=int32))

get_dwells_excluding(self, exclusion, excl_class, f, l, get_durations=False)

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Returns the dwells between samples f and l, inclusive, as numpy arrays; unlike get_dwells, outputs un-idealized regions as class -1.

  • exclusion - an Idealization with the same segmentation
  • excl_class - class in exclusion marking where to overwrite output with class -2
firsts, lasts, classes[, durations]

add_seg(self, f, l)

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Adds a segment, with inclusive sample bounds. For best results, use f = total sample count so far; l = f+seg_length-1.

Property Details [hide private]


Get Method:
Set Method:
unreachable(self, x)