1 """Notebook plugin to send figures to QtiPlot
3 Copyright 2008-2012 Research Foundation State University of New York
4 This file is part of QUB Express.
6 QUB Express is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 QUB Express is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License,
17 named LICENSE.txt, in the QUB Express program directory. If not, see
18 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 """
23 import os
24 import shutil
25 import tempfile
26 import time
27 import traceback
29 import numpy
31 import qubx.GTK
32 import qubx.notebook
33 import qubx.pyenv
34 import qubx.remote_ctl
36 from Queue import Empty
38 SOCKID_PATH = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'qtiplot.sockid')
39 WIN32 = SOCKID_PATH.find('\\') >= 0
40 if WIN32:
41 from _winreg import *
43 TIMEOUT = 5.0
52 try:
53 self.qtiplot.reval('1', timeout=TIMEOUT)
54 except:
55 self.qtiplot = None
56 if self.qtiplot is None:
57 try:
58 self.qtiplot = qubx.remote_ctl.RemoteProxy(sockid_path=SOCKID_PATH)
59 except:
60 if self.start_qtiplot():
61 try:
62 self.qtiplot = qubx.remote_ctl.RemoteProxy(sockid_path=SOCKID_PATH)
63 except:
64 print "Can't connect to QtiPlot; is it running?"
65 return self.qtiplot
74 qtipath = qtistartup = ""
75 if WIN32:
77 try:
78 k = OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.6\InstallPath')
79 pypath, typ = QueryValueEx(k, '')
80 if not pypath: raise Exception()
81 except:
82 traceback.print_exc()
83 try:
84 k = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.6\InstallPath')
85 pypath, typ = QueryValueEx(k, '')
86 if not pypath: raise Exception()
87 except:
88 traceback.print_exc()
89 qubx.GTK.ShowMessage('Please install Python 2.6 (32-bit) from\nhttp://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.6')
90 return "", ""
91 numpypath = os.path.join(pypath, 'lib', 'site-packages', 'numpy')
92 if not os.path.exists(numpypath):
93 qubx.GTK.ShowMessage('Please install numpy (for Python 2.6, 32-bit) from\nhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/')
94 return "", ""
96 try:
97 k = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'SOFTWARE\ProIndependent\QtiPlot\General\Paths')
98 qtipath, typ = QueryValueEx(k, 'ScriptsDir')
99 qtipath = os.path.join(qtipath.replace("/", "\\"), "QtiPlot.exe")
100 if not os.path.exists(qtipath):
101 raise Exception()
102 qtistartup, typ = QueryValueEx(k, 'StartupScripts')
103 qtistartup = qtistartup.replace("/", "\\")
104 except:
105 traceback.print_exc()
106 qubx.GTK.ShowMessage('QtiPlot is available from http://soft.proindependent.com/qtiplot.html')
107 return "", ""
108 else:
110 qubx.GTK.ShowMessage("""One-time setup:
111 * get QtiPlot from
112 http://soft.proindependent.com/qtiplot.html
113 * look in the folder %s
114 * copy these files into the QtiPlot folder:
115 remote_ctl.py
116 qtiplot_remote_ctl.py
117 * copy this file into qtiplot's startup script folder:
118 qtiplot_start_remote_ctl.py
119 * in QtiPlot preferences, set def. scripting language to Python
120 * close and re-open QtiPlot
122 Before sending a figure:
123 * open QtiPlot"""%os.path.join(qubx.pyenv.env.globals['app_path'], 'QtiPlot'))
124 return qtipath, qtistartup
126 app_path = qubx.pyenv.env.globals['app_path']
127 from_path = os.path.join(app_path, 'QtiPlot')
128 qtiroot = os.path.split(qtipath)[0]
129 try:
131 shutil.copy(os.path.join(from_path, 'remote_ctl.py'),
132 os.path.join(qtiroot, 'remote_ctl.py'))
133 shutil.copy(os.path.join(from_path, 'qtiplot_remote_ctl.py'),
134 os.path.join(qtiroot, 'qtiplot_remote_ctl.py'))
135 shutil.copy(os.path.join(from_path, 'qtiplot_start_remote_ctl.py'),
136 os.path.join(qtistartup, 'qtiplot_start_remote_ctl.py'))
137 except:
138 traceback.print_exc()
140 if WIN32:
141 try:
142 k = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'SOFTWARE\ProIndependent\QtiPlot\General')
143 SetValue(k, 'ScriptingLang', REG_SZ, 'Python')
144 except:
145 traceback.print_exc()
146 else:
148 print "If Python is not chosen as the default scripting language,"
149 print "you'll have to fix that, then close QtiPlot and try again."
151 print 'running',qtipath,'...'
152 os.chdir(os.path.split(qtipath)[0])
153 if WIN32:
154 os.startfile(qtipath)
155 else:
157 os.system("'%s'"%qtipath)
158 time.sleep(TIMEOUT)
160 Nr, Nc = item.get_shape()
161 arr = numpy.zeros(shape=(Nr,Nc))
162 for c in xrange(Nc):
163 try:
164 col = item.get_col(c)
165 arr[:len(col),c] = item.get_col(c)
166 except:
167 pass
168 qtiplot.set_array(arr, 'qub_express_table', timeout=TIMEOUT)
169 print arr
170 app_path = qubx.pyenv.env.globals['app_path']
171 qtiplot.rexec(open(os.path.join(app_path, 'QtiPlot', 'table.py'), 'r').read(), timeout=TIMEOUT)
172 if show:
173 qtiplot.rexec('qubx_qti_table = add_table("%s", qub_express_table)' % item.get_caption())
175 qtiplot = self.nb_init()
176 app_path = qubx.pyenv.env.globals['app_path']
177 if not qtiplot:
178 return
179 if isinstance(item, qubx.notebook.NbItems):
180 for it in item:
181 self.nb_send(it)
182 return
183 if isinstance(item, qubx.notebook.NbTrace):
184 self.send_table(qtiplot, item)
185 qtiplot.rexec(open(os.path.join(app_path, 'QtiPlot', 'trace.py'), 'r').read(), timeout=TIMEOUT)
186 qtiplot.rexec("""add_trace_plot("%s", "%s", "%s", qubx_qti_table, %s)""" %
187 (item.get_caption(), item.get_xlabel(), item.get_ylabel(),
188 ', '.join([str(series.ycol) for series in item.get_trace_series()])))
189 return
190 if isinstance(item, qubx.notebook.NbChart):
191 self.send_table(qtiplot, item, show=False)
192 series = item.get_series()
193 lines = [s for s in series if s.ser_type == qubx.notebook.LINES]
194 if series and series[0].ser_type == qubx.notebook.HISTOGRAM:
195 self.send_table(qtiplot, item)
196 qtiplot.rexec(open(os.path.join(app_path, 'QtiPlot', 'histogram.py'), 'r').read(), timeout=TIMEOUT)
197 qtiplot.rexec("""add_hist(qubx_qti_table, "%s", "%s", "%s", 2, []%s)""" %
198 (item.get_caption(), item.get_xlabel(), item.get_ylabel(),
199 lines and (", %s"%", ".join([str(ser.ycol+1) for ser in lines]))
200 or ""))
201 elif series and series[0].ser_type == qubx.notebook.DOTS:
202 qtiplot.rexec(open(os.path.join(app_path, 'QtiPlot', 'scatter.py'), 'r').read(), timeout=TIMEOUT)
203 ser = series[0]
204 nrow = ser.nrow
205 if nrow < 0: nrow = item.get_shape()[0]
206 line = lines and lines[0] or ser
207 line_nrow = line.nrow
208 if line_nrow < 0: line_nrow = nrow
209 qtiplot.rexec("""t,g,l = add_scatter("%s", "%s", "%s", qub_express_table[%d:%d,%d].flatten(), qub_express_table[%d:%d,%d].flatten(),
210 %s, [], qub_express_table[%d:%d,%d].flatten()%s)"""%
211 (item.get_caption(), item.get_xlabel(), item.get_ylabel(),
212 ser.first_row, ser.first_row+nrow, ser.xcol,
213 ser.first_row, ser.first_row+nrow, ser.ycol,
214 item.get_color_indices() or [0]*nrow,
215 line.first_row, line.first_row + line_nrow, line.xcol,
216 lines and (", %s"%", ".join(["qub_express_table[%d:%d,%d].flatten()" %
217 (line.first_row, line.first_row+line_nrow, line.ycol)
218 for line in lines]))
219 or ""))
220 hseries = [s for s in series if s.ser_type == qubx.notebook.HISTOGRAM]
221 if hseries:
222 hser = hseries[0]
223 nrow = hser.nrow
224 if nrow < 0: nrow = item.get_shape()[0]
225 qtiplot.rexec("""add_hist_to_scatter(t, g, l, qub_express_table[%d:%d,%d].flatten(), qub_express_table[%d:%d,%d].flatten())""" %
226 (hser.first_row, hser.first_row+nrow, hser.xcol,
227 hser.first_row, hser.first_row+nrow, hser.ycol))
228 elif series:
229 self.send_table(qtiplot, item)
230 pass
231 return
232 if isinstance(item, qubx.notebook.NbTable):
233 self.send_table(qtiplot, item)
234 return