' ,
| source code
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
- Parameters:
x - number of 'M' widths from the Layer's left edge
y - number of 'M' widths from the Layer's top edge
w - w >= 0: number of 'M' widths across; w < 0: number of 'M's
between SubLayer's right and Layer's right
h - h >= 0: number of 'M' widths tall; h < 0: number of 'M's
between SubLayer's bottom and Layer's bottom
action - when clicked, calls action(x, y, event)
scroll - when mouse-scroll-wheeled upon, calls scroll(x, y, event, offset)
mouse_move - when the mouse moves over it, calls mouse_move(x, y, event)
mouse_drag - when the mouse moves with the button down, calls mouse_drag(x, y,
enter - when the mouse enters, calls mouse_enter(x, y, event)
exit - when the mouse leaves, calls mouse_exit()
border - width in pixels of border
cBorder - COLORREF of border
cBG - COLORREF of background, or None for transparent
tooltip - mouse-over info
- Overrides:
- (inherited documentation)