Package qubx_mac :: Module qubx_plugin
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Module qubx_plugin

source code

Base classes for QUB Express plugins, and sample implementations.

This unit is not required to make a plugin (see qubx.pyenv),
but is intended to simplify and explain the process.

To make a plugin:
    * make a folder in qub-express's Plugins folder (e.g. "my_plugin")
    * make a subfolder with a unique name for your plugin's package (e.g. "my_plugin/my_uniquestr_package");
      the my_plugin folder will be part of sys.path; if there is any other my_uniquestr_package in sys.path, it
      may be loaded instead.
    * copy this file into my_uniquestr_package; by putting it there, you're guaranteed to import this copy,
      and not one from some other plugin.
    * make a python module, e.g. "my_uniquestr_package/", which starts with "from . import qubx_plugin",
      and defines a subclass of one of the plugin base classes.
    * make a python module, "my_uniquestr_package/" along the lines of:
__all__ = ['qubx_plugin', 'my_module']
      or if you want, leave it blank, but make sure it exists.
    * make these text files in the my_plugin folder:
       - qubx_plugin_about.txt   - information for the Admin:Plugins panel
       - qubx_plugin_imports.txt - newline-separated list of modules, in the order they should be re-loaded
       -     - python script executed on load;
                                   typically creates and adds one or more "Face" to the tool/about panels.
       -     - python script executed on unload; typically removes the "Face"(s)
       - qubx_plugin_name.txt    - name of plugin, as shown in Admin:Plugins panel

For examples, see qubx_sample_plugin, qubx_macroscopic, and qubx_single_molecule.

Classes [hide private]
Base class for top-pane plugin interface with optional worker thread (robot).
Base class for optimization plugins.
Represents a model ready for computation with QubX.Modeling.Utils.
Caches last-used data until changed.
Sample OptToolPlugin which optimizes rate constants given idealized single-molecule data.
Follows the frontmost qubx.model.QubModel and qubx.modelGTK.ModelView, with events when anything changes.
Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'qubx_mac'
  e = 2.71828182846
  pi = 3.14159265359
  rdbk = 'Expired.'
  rdbreak = 'supporting'
  rdname = 'qubfast.txt'